And so it seems they had answered with this storm. It felt electric, full of energy. It made her spine tingle with anticipation. She was ready for whatever they were bringing her. She stayed still upon the larger, lower tree branches of the trees. She tilted her head back, her one seeing eye studying the sky between the canopy above. She continued to hum her song, slowly gaining volume but keeping it as a hum for now. Something was about to happen; she could feel it.
1/1/2021 Staff
Happy 2021 to all! Big thank you for hanging out and being awesome for the first two-ish months of the site. It's been fun so far, looking forwards to a lot this year! If you haven't seen, after a delay, the last day of the advent can be claimed now (here). You have three choices for your last advent prize including a second chance at a creature pass. That's right we have creatures coming to Aesseldar now! Be sure to check the announcement for any rule clarifications if you're interested. Last big bit of news we do have our light layout "in the mist" ready to be used. There will still be tweaks and color changes coming in the next week or so by the fantastic dusk so don't be afraid if things look a little different.
12/15/2020 Staff
Congratulations to Zay for winning the pride raffle with Runar! Welcome our new pride, Adamo Autumna! Don't forget to keep posting in the advent to claim your awesome prizes, and within the next few days you'll see some additional posts cropping up in the ooc areas. We'd love some feedback on the site and will be adding an area for feedback and suggestions. We will also be adding a thread to post all your open threads. Another fantastic surprise is that Koafox (some of you may know her as Miranda from other sites) has said we are welcome to use their table switcher plugin. As soon as I get the files we will be integrating that into the site for everyone to enjoy!
12/7/2020 Staff
TWO news posts back to back my oh my stuff must be brewing! We wanted to let everyone know that the third pride slot has opened. Unlike the other slots we wanted to give everyone a chance to go for it as well, so we'll be raffling it! In order to enter the raffle please DM an admin or the Eoin account with your OOC and which character you'd like to enter the raffle with. The only requirement that has to be met is that the character must be 2 years of age or older (meaning that number of posts and feathers doesn't matter). So get your entries in, the more the merrier as we head into the new year! The other exciting news is that our neutral/lighter colored layout will be out by the end of the year, thanks to the lovely dusk!
12/5/2020 Staff
Thank you so much everyone for a fantastic first month opening. We wanted to thank you all and let you know that we've decided to extend the grand opening bonuses for one more week, so you can bring in your first three characters free through 12/11! In other news our first contests have started and we couldn't be more excited! You may participate in the following, if you haven't already partaken: Advent Calendar, Superlatives, Advertising Contest, OTMs, and the Writing Contests. We'll be releasing another update soon with some super fun surprises, but some of Eoin's events have drawn to an end and it appears some new boards may start popping up! Expect to see more of Eoin, as well as some adjustment to the event threads, for some of the future boards as well!
11/28/2020 Staff
As we bring another week to close we'd like to welcome everyone to participate in our first contest! The Advertising contest is up and provides some really great rewards, as well as participation rewards! Coming soon are the first set of OTMs and superlatives, a writing contest, a sneak peak at our more refined skills system, and a few other small updates. Happy weekend everyone!
11/19/2020 Staff
Thank you everyone for having joined us so far for our site opening and help us grow our community. We have had so many wonderful suggestions, and while we are processing some things and working on the skills, we wanted to let you all know that the OTMs and superlatives are coming! Keep an eye out soon for those. Also it appears that Eoin has been wandering around Aesseldar and may be up to no good... best get checking on his apperances for some good old fashion fun, and maybe even a sweet surprise!
11/4/2020 Staff
Welcome everyone to the grand opening of Aesseldar! We are excited to open our doors and build a community with all of you. As we being our journey together we would love you all to read through the grand opening thread, and remember that while we're transitioning into the start of this, we still have a few fantastic surprises coming. Our skill system is underway and we hope to have that out by the end of November, we would also love to have you all in the Discord with us and welcome any and all suggestions and feedback to help us improve the site! We have a number of things still to come, including a lighter colored layout, accessories in the shop, and would love to remind everyone that the top right series of three vertical dashes will open up the sidebar. In order to reference what IC month it is you will find the calendar link in the sidebar. Happy posting!
in character
12/15/2020 Eoin
With three new terrains open and a third pride staking a claim once more, our mischievous deity Eoin appears to be up to no good again. The quake that cracked open the mountain and closed it once more was felt around the lands, and three new terrains popped open. Tryphosa Shore now has an Atoll sub-board, and there is a Desert and a Rift board. Several more will be coming... but first Eoin will make an impression.
11/17/2020 Eoin
The rainforest trembles, as if fighting back against those who dare to occupy it. The lands of Aesseldar are still only half-tamed, unfettered and unwilling to give way to any aspiring King, any growing empire. And just as quick as King Barnabas came to lay claim to it did it begin to push back, forcing his fledgling pride out with an unforgiving downpour, and a bitter resentment of the creatures that dwell within. With one pride felled, it leaves the opportunity for another to rise from the ashes.
11/4/2020 Eoin
It happened on a hot, humid night. No one there to witness it. Somewhere, surely, it could be heard. The start of a crack. The sound vibrating from mountain top to valley dips. It was a long and dreadful noise. Somewhere in the mountains, somehow, one of the peaks had collapsed. An impassible tower of sharpened points- gone. Snow, with the hidden rocks from the destruction, slid down the slopes that were formed by ages. A wave of white forced outward to cover all below. At first it is still much too dangerous to traverse. But with time the new ground settles and with it comes- a pass. On the other side awaits a land untouched by the curious paws. The lands of Aesseldar have been revealved and somewhere down below three pridelands sit empty, awaiting for eager travelers to start staking their claims. Please refer to the grand opening announcement for information on how to claim a pride slot and fully customize it, since there are some grand opening bonuses or exceptions that are not referenced in the guidebook! We would also love to let everyone know that any official in-character news that gets posted in this "in-character" section of the layout is going to be considered common knowledge for any character in-game. Consider it like an in-character bulletin board! We will keep it updated with relevant and applicable information and hope it helps inspire your plots.
Adamo Autumna
Ignis Empire
Spring Y11
With spring the clouds begin to disperse and the warmer weather begins and new life blooms. With new lands having been discovered there is a plethora of places for the lions to explore and yet somehow that mischievous site deity never seems to stop bringing the surprises, some of which include occasional inclement weathers. Temps varying between 45°-80°F (7°-27°C).
year of silence
Lioness of Prideless
Played by wispie
The sky flashed with a burst of lightning, a shadow in the trees starkly cast against it. Thunder rumbled shortly thereafter, the breath of the lioness rolling visibly as steam from her jaws. It was a slightly warmer day than the rest, causing a storm to roll in. The air was moist with humidity, but the rain had not yet arrived. From her lips a faint lullaby could be heard as a hum, her eyes opening to look around her. She had been in the area for some time now, waiting; listening for a sign from the gods that this was where she was meant to be.
manip by wispie | code by twesh | lineart by albagretta
Prince of Ignis Empire
Played by Cat

The sky had darkened with the promise of rain. Thunder rumbled in the distance as it leads him to wonder how far off the storm could be. Lightning streaked through the sky on a rare occasion. All while the beast moved through the dense rainforest. The moisture in the air caused his main to frizz around his facade. Each step of his large paws would drag his form further within.
There is a hum on the breeze that had begun to pick up its intensity. A sound that caused his ears to flick and his movement to cease, if only for the moment. Eyes slipped closed as he listened. Carefully the brute deciphered a general direction of the source and aimed his bulk in that direction. Once more he lurked on.
He hadn't thought to look up. The lack of another to cause the noise only frustrated the brute as he felt he walked circles in the right area.
Lioness of Prideless
Played by wispie
Fur-tipped ears twitched as they picked up dragging paws, but the woman did not falter in her tune. It was unclear whether the gods meant for her to meet this lion, or if they were simply telling her something big was on its way. She wasn't one to try to decipher their mysterious ways, not anymore. She would simply go with the flow, and listen carefully. But for now, it seemed there was company in the area.
The steps seemed to be very close, even.. below her. She gazed down past her feet, a smirk spreading over her maw. How silly some lions are, to hear her yet not intuitive enough to simply look up. She chuckled lightly, readying herself to have a little game with the male. Slowly and with care, she would ease herself off of the tree branch and attempt to land quietly behind the male. Regardless of being successful or not, she would end her humming tune by singing the last words of her song in a sweet, yet teasing voice. "Then he skinned the crow and cut her in pieces."
manip by wispie | code by twesh | lineart by albagretta
Prince of Ignis Empire
Played by Cat

He could tell that he was near. The hum had grown considerably as his ears twitched in every direction they could manage. Eyes gaze about as head turned from side to side. Paws brought him to a stop under a rather large tree, his back toward the trunk. Before he could place the sound from above him, there is a thud from behind as the words tore through the air that divided the two.
Head turned first as he cast the unusual female in his pale yellow gaze. They roamed her from top to bottom, but his expression did not change from the rather bored facade he wore. "Interesting tune." He commented before his body finally followed as it twisted around so he was straight on with the female if she did not move as well.