Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Max

Through her careful stare, she noted the way the lioness' demeanor changed. She spoke to her in another language, claiming it to be the common tongue, and Roslyn nodded her understanding. Were she not feeling guarded due to the subject of food, perhaps she would make a comment about every language being the common language somewhere, but she was not eager to sour her good fortune so quickly.

"Is this land your 'ome?" She questioned with a quirked brow, taking a few slinking steps closer. She had yet to meet anyone from this promised land and was quite eager to learn more about what she had stumbled into. Her cornflower gaze assessed the lioness gently, careful not to stare anywhere too long as she took in her company.

"I'm Roslyn... and you?" She questioned, finally attempting to sit about a yard away once she was confident it would not be met with a smack.
