Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

She had settled by the brook. Its soft sounds rather soothing to her perked forward ears. Eyes of the palest blue roamed the furthest reaches of the Steppe. Unsure who, or what may roam here. She had yet to fully explore the area, though it lay so close to the lake she figured it was a good time to start. She had used an empty, half-broken turtle shell she had found to scoop water within and toss it on to her side. The dirt from her still-healing wound was washed away. Another scoop made sure she got it all before she eased into a sit.

She would just have to do this herself, it would seem. A disgruntled call emerged to call whoever remained to her. There were to be rank shifts since her second was no longer with them.

@Vex @Finn @Teuta @Marisol @Walford

-we had a couple of members leave the site/set inactive so this is to check who remains from the pirates and to appoint a new 'second in command' crewmate. -